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Stock Items in Idealpos

The Stock Item screen is one of the primary data editing screens in Idealpos.

From this screen, you can manage all of your products with the ability to add new products, change prices and much more.



POS terminals without a Back-Office license do not have access to the Stock Items screen.


Go to File > Stock Control > Stock Items.


FIGURE 1:  The Idealpos Stock Items grid displays a list of Stock Items in the Idealpos database.


Resizing the Stock Items window

The Stock Items grid can be resized from full screen to a window and vice versa.

The ability to resize the Stock Items grid is only available on screen resolutions that are greater than 1024x768 (due to the limited amount of screen resolution real-estate available when using 1024x768).

Examples of resolutions that can utilise the resize Stock Items window function include:


When a screen greater than 1024x768 is being used, the Stock Items grid window will show a resize button on the top-right corner of the window, next to the close button (as shown in the below example).


FIGURE 2:  When the Stock Items grid is displayed on screen resolutions that are greater than 1024x768, a resize window button appears on the top-right corner.
This can be used to reduce the size of the window so that other Idealpos functions can be accessed while the Stock Items grid window is being displayed.


After the Stock Items grid window has been resized, access to other Idealpos Back Office functions will be available, all while having the Stock Items grid displayed.


FIGURE 3:  An example of the Stock Items grid being displayed in a reduced size, which enables access to other Idealpos Back Office functions.


The Stock Items grid can also be dragged to any location on the screen whilst it is being displayed as a resized window.

To move the Stock Items grid, click the mouse cursor into any area of the Stock Items grid title bar, then while holding the mouse button, drag the Stock Items grid to the desired position on your screen, then let go of the mouse button.

The Stock Items grid will be displayed at the position which it was moved to.


FIGURE 4:  An example showing which areas of the Stock Items grid can be clicked and dragged to reposition the window to another location on the screen.


Note that when the Modify Stock Item window is displayed, it will still open in full screen mode, regardless if the Stock Items grid was resized to a window.

This means that access to Idealpos Back Office functions is not available when modifying a Stock Item.


FIGURE 5:  Some windows in Idealpos cannot be resized and will occupy the entire screen such as the Modify Stock Item window shown above.


If Idealpos Back Office is minimised while the Stock Items grid is displayed, both the Idealpos Back Office and Stock Items grid will be minimised into the Windows Taskbar.


FIGURE 6:  The Idealpos icon appears on the Windows Taskbar.
If Idealpos is minimised, all open windows in Idealpos are also minimised.


Pressing the Idealpos icon on the Windows Taskbar will restore both Idealpos Back Office and the Stock Items grid window.


FIGURE 7:  After clicking on the Idealpos icon in the Windows Taskbar to restore the Idealpos window, all previously minimised windows will also appear.



Edit Mode

Multi Select

Non-Turnover Stock Item Sales

Stock Code Search

Previous Next and Search Navigation

Print Label

Sorting the Stock Item List

Customising the Columns by User

Copy Stock Item

Stock Item Enquiry

Alternate Codes


Supplier Codes

Promotion Enquiry


Migrating Long Descriptions into Description 3